"Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding exactly what we want, and just see what happens." - Carrie Bradshaw
My entire life, I have focused on keeping track of every moment and having everything set on a precise schedule. I was never confused or unprepared at what was to come. Now, I have no idea what the next year will bring. I have personal goals to accomplish, but my main goal is to stop looking at everything so closely and stop trying to figure out my life through having control every moment. I will accept what others give me with open hands. If something is meant to happen, it will happen. I have decided to take on the "Eat, Pray, Love" scenario and spend the next three years trying to figure out my life and who I am before jumping into settling down into an unhappy place where I do not appreciate the gifts I have been given. I will spend a year of prayer in a location that is unknown to me at the present moment. I will be assigned my destination by an individual that I deeply respect. After this adventure, I will determine the location I want to "eat" at. This eating may be a mental feast on words or knowledge and not a feast of physical foods. Finally, I will find a place of "Love". Only one knows where this will lead my life, but I know that I will have a greater understanding of myself through this. I have begun to say good-bye to those who mean the most to me and plan on leaving everything behind as I enter a new world. I hope to record my adventures here and can't wait to see the observations I find. I am so blessed and thankful for everyone who is willing to help me make this possible. Let the future come forward! I am ready.