Late last night (Christmas Eve), I received one of my biggest gifts. The truth. I have learned to realize that gifts are not always good things or bad things and they can cause you to have deeper struggles than you would without them, yet they will bless you in the long run. I feel that God's trials for each of us are gifts that we will someday look back on and be happy we had to experience them. The truth I received last night was somewhat surprising, yet explained a lot of things I needed to know and explained how I can make my life better. I obviously have struggles and am not always perfect, but I am trying my best and that is all that matters. If you aren't willing to accept that, move on and leave me alone. Do not think that since I made a mistake, you have the right to make me feel inferior.
One of my favorite quotes by Marilyn Monroe states, "I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell do not deserve me at my best." I know I am crazy. I know the illnesses and problems I have been given. I know I can be selfish. But, I also know someday those who doubted or ever gave up on me will be wishing they stuck to it for a little longer because the worst of me will come to an end and I will be perfect. Then people will regret their decisions to be against me and the way I handle myself.
Marilyn Monroe |
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